Biohacking doesn’t enable you to program your brain completely

You may have heard people talk about the benefits of biohacking all around you, but some biohackers (not all) often exaggerate many of those effects. On the other hand, people who refuse to believe in neuroscience or biohacking create myths about biohacking, considering it ineffective. However, if you’re interested in biohacking, you should only follow the advice given by biohacking experts.

This blog lists some biohacking myths and bares the truth. Scroll down to get your facts straight before becoming a biohacker.

1- Biohacking Allows You to Gain Complete Control Over Your Mind

Okay, if you think that biohacking is some kind of magic that will allow you to decide what your brain thinks, you might want to rethink this!

Yes, biohacking allows you to declutter your mind and improves your focus on the things around you, but it surely can’t make you limitless!

However, biohacking can help you improve your mood, boost blood circulation, help you focus better, and ultimately help you become a better version of yourself.  

2- Biohacking Requires Too Much Effort and Money

Many people avoid getting into biohacking because they think that it costs a lot of money and requires too much effort. However, this can’t be farthest from the truth as biohacking techniques are really simple to follow. An example of following a biohacking strategy is getting enough sleep daily, which requires no effort or money at all.

In addition, other biohacking techniques like eating healthy or indulging in physical activities also require little time and effort. Spending time with your friends, interacting with nature, and spending time doing your favorite hobbies are some other low-effort biohacking techniques that don’t cost a penny!

3- Biohacking Gives You Immediate Results

Many people believe that biohacking gives them immediate results. Therefore, they get disappointed when sleeping or eating better for a couple of days doesn’t improve their mental and physical health.

However, following any biohacking strategy does require dedication. These processes require time and effort to work their magic. Therefore, we recommend following multiple low-effort biohacking strategies initially and sticking with them to get effective results and a healthier mind and body.

4- Biohackers Are Obsessed with Living Longer

Well, who isn’t? Unless you’re someone who’s done with life, most people like to find ways to live longer. Scientists and researchers have also spent billions looking for the secrets to having a longer life. Therefore, this myth isn’t exactly wrong. But, biohackers aren’t obsessed with living longer; they prefer living healthier!

According to many dedicated biohackers, living long without being physically and mentally healthy is unnecessary. The complete truth is that most biohackers follow biohacking strategies to improve their health and feel happier, increasing their chances of living longer. Therefore, if you’re someone who wants to extend your lifespan, you know what to do! Try biohacking yourself for a longer, healthier life.

5- There’s No Difference Between Biohacking and Medical Treatments

Another biohacking myth that many people believe is that biohacking is the same as medical treatments or health advice. This leads them to pay no attention to biohacking techniques. However, biohacking differs from traditional medication. Some people argue that habits like sleeping on time and eating plant-based food are old health suggestions turned into biohacking strategies. And we completely agree!

But what differentiates biohacking from traditional medication is the mindset behind the activities. The biohacking mindset of improving our bodies and taking control of our minds without visiting doctors regularly is what biohacking is all about. Unlike medical treatments, biohacking follows no traditional processes, and there are no generalized rules.

6- There’s No Scientific Evidence Backing Biohacking

Many people believe that scientific research doesn’t back biohacking techniques. However, most biohacking techniques are backed by tons of background scientific research. An example of a biohacking strategy is exercising regularly, which has many scientifically-proven benefits. Biohacking experts say that exercise can improve physical and mental health, reduce risks of various diseases, and help relax your mind. And it’s no secret that science says the same thing!

The same goes for other biohacking strategies like eating minimally-processed food and connecting with nature, which is backed by scientific research.

However, some advanced biohacking techniques like bathing in an infra-red sauna or meditating have little scientific research behind them. But biohackers who have used these techniques claim that they are effective and do boost moods and reduce anxiety.

7- Biohacking is Unethical, Unnatural, and Dangerous

Many people claim that since biohacking is a way to control your own mind, it goes against nature’s rules. Many people have tried extreme biohacking techniques like complete blood transfusion, and we understand that this has raised some concerns.

However, the truth is that humans have tried to alter nature since the beginning of time. Human resilience and curiosity led us to where we’re today. An example of major nature-based changes is the invention of agriculture, which transformed humans from hunters to civilized people. Therefore, many myths and the stigma surrounding biohacking comes from a fear of change instead of actual issues.

Most biohacking techniques aren’t unethical or dangerous. Due to the recent advancements of biohacking, there are no legal repercussions or medical rules that term biohacking dangerous.

When you can’t separate the facts from the myths, you’ll be confused about choosing the right biohacking strategies to follow. Therefore, we recommend following recognized biomedical experts and authors like Jean Fallacara, a highly-skilled neuroscience calisthenics expert.

Through his award-winning books, podcasts, and work as a fitness speaker and serial entrepreneur, he motivates thousands of biohackers globally and enlightens them about biohacking techniques. Contact us to ask him any queries, and this Cyborg training expert will solve all your confusion.

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