Do you feel like you’re a 30-year old trapped in the body of a 70-year old? Is lethargy your constant state? Do you have wrinkles under your eyes? If you are facing visible signs of early aging and want to slow down (or ideally stop) the process, the good news is that you can!
Fitness experts say that while genes surely have a role to play in how a person ages, it’s way beyond a game played by genes. There are many factors influencing your body and how it responds to aging. And while several reasons are causing you to age faster, you also have ways to slow down the process. In some cases, by adopting certain lifestyle choices, you can also ensure your chances of living longer!
Read below to find out how you can do just that! But first, let’s find out the causes of aging and the signs telling you to pay attention to your health.
Signs of Early Aging
Logically, the aging process starts right from birth, right? However, if you’re showing these signs before you should, it means you’re aging faster and prematurely.
Here are some of the common signs of growing age. These signs can appear in individuals any time after 25 in case of premature aging.
Wrinkled Skin
As we grow older, our body gets saggy and loose. This is because of the loss of elastic tissue called elastin in the body that causes the firmness to go away. If you have wrinkles under your eyes, alongside your mouth, or in your lower body, you need to take this seriously.
Constant Fatigue
Feeling lethargic all the time? Have difficulty climbing stairs and maintaining your breath? These are classic signs of rapid aging and shouldn’t happen to you if you’re in your 30s. While underlying health issues are causing this to you, we’ll discuss more of this problem below.

Receding Hairline
Too much hair fall recently? None of the shampoos working to save your hair strands? Chances are you’re prematurely aging and need to take some serious measures right away.
Other Symptoms
Sunspots, pigmentation, inflammation, sleep difficulty, cognitive difficulties, and other health issues can be caused by premature aging. Your symptoms indicate that you need to eliminate the causes and take a fitness approach right away!
Causes of Premature Aging
Here are some of the most common causes of early aging.
Poor Nutrition
Poor diet is one of the leading causes of rapid aging. Consumption of too much meat, processed foods, alcohol, sugary items, and carbs can lead to early degeneration of your body cells. This will result in faster aging and health issues that come with it.

Lack of Sleep
Sleep is another of the main causes of rapid aging. If you are not getting the advised sleep of eight hours a night, you’re depriving your body of the essential coping mechanism against all external threats. Sleeping well at night allows our body to rejuvenate and combat illnesses, slow down aging cells, and remain fit.
Not Moving Much?
Whether it’s your work life that’s causing you to sit for long hours or your lack of will to stop watching TV, the result is faster aging and the appearance of aging signs that will make you look and feel older than your friends.
No Workout? No Chance!
If you don’t have a workout routine and go by most days just living in the moment, chances are you won’t live for very long. Various researches suggest that daily exercises can cause your body to age slow and help you live a healthier and longer life.
Drugs are Trouble
Not just the illegal drugs, but according to a study, antidepressants are also causing people to live shorter. For people using tranquilizers, antidepressants, and other drugs frequently, you may not be benefiting your health in the long term.
What to Do?
Now that you know what habits of yours are causing you to age faster than your friends, we have some suggestions to help you prevent it. Don’t worry if you are in your late 30s or 40s; it’s never too late to make changes in your lifestyle and experience gains! Here’s what you can do to slow down the aging process.

Eat, Sleep, Drink Well
Cutting down on processed and sugary foods and incorporating nutrition that’s good for your body and mind is the first step forward. Moreover, getting a good night’s sleep and drinking moderately will also help you feel better, younger, and happier.
Embark on Fitness Path
Alongside nutrition, enrolling yourself in fitness training is also crucial to slow down the aging process. Meditation, workouts, running, sports, and much more can be done to kick start your fitness routine and adopt a healthier lifestyle.
Biohacking Approach to Fitness
For substantial results, many people opt for the biohacking approach to fitness. This means that you can take on a fitness routine based on scientific knowledge and is supplemented by nature and nutrition. If you want to make small yet significant changes, biohacking is the way forward.
Neuroscience and Neuroplasticity
Understanding the mind-body connection and leveraging neuroscience to control your body clock is one of the most innovative ways to slow down aging. While you may find the subject complex at first, a neuroscience expert can help you on this path, and you can find a fitness plan based on the principles of the mind-body connection.
Slow Down the Aging Process
If you are looking to slow down the aging process and enjoy a longer, healthier life, get in touch with us for fitness training by Jean Fallacara. The serial entrepreneur, fitness coach, and biohacking expert has cracked the code of living longer with the help of neuroscience, neuroplasticity, and biohacking.