A lot of the bodily functions of humans, primarily the sleep-wake cycles, are controlled by our body clock. The 24-hour circadian rhythm determines how we behave in most situations when we stay awake and when we go to sleep. Neuroscience experts say that with the help of neuroscience, we have the potential to control our body clock and reset it for a healthier, longer life.
But how exactly does one gain control of body clock? The secret lies in understanding the power of neuroscience, neuroplasticity, and optimizing your brain for optimal functioning. To help you understand how neuroscience can be used to optimize the brain’s power and, in turn, benefit from a healthier body and mind, we have listed down everything you need to know.
What are Neuroscience and Neuroplasticity?
Neuroscience is the study of over 100 billion brain cells known as neurons. These neurons are responsible for the brain’s interaction with the whole body through signals called neurotransmitters. On the other hand, neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to respond to those signals and generate new cells or use existing cells to cater to the human body’s needs. This process of generating new cells is also known as neurogenesis.
According to fitness experts, by optimizing the brain, one can benefit from neuroscience to become healthier, fitter, and live longer. This can be done by strengthening the mind-body connection and using it for fitness gains.
What is Body Clock?
Body clock or biological clock is the internal setup of a human body that works on a 24-hour pattern. The sunlight activates the body clock and releases certain hormones in the body that are needed for humans’ daily routine. Like a regular clock that ticks every second, the circadian rhythm of the biological clock keeps moving and works on a preset pattern.
Often, people working in shifts or encountering frequent jetlag face a disruption in their body clock. Alongside, many people habitually stay up late and mess up their sleep routine. A severe form of disruption of the body clock can lead to health conditions such as insomnia. On the downside, emotional, mental, and physical health is also affected if the body clock is out of tune.

Downsides of Poor Body Clock
Here are some drawbacks of getting disruption in the natural body clock.
Physical Fatigue
One of the most visible drawbacks of sleep disruption is physical fatigue. People who have messed up their body clock over the years are always lethargic, slow-paced, and have difficulty with various cognitive capabilities.
Rapid Aging
If you’re feeling that you’re looking older than your friends, think about your sleep routine. If you’re sleeping late, not getting sufficient sleep, and have a poor quality of sleep, you have a culprit. According to scientists, lack of seven hours of sleep can cause health problems and result in a shorter lifespan.
Depressive, Agitated, Impulsive?
Do you feel gloomy all the time? Do you easily lose your temper over small matters? Are you unable to control your impulsive decisions? If you have difficulty managing your mood and find yourself overwhelmed in most situations, chances are your body clock is disrupted due to lack of sleep.
Poor Health Condition
Taking a good night’s sleep has various health benefits. On the other hand, lack of it results in poor health conditions. Blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, depression, insomnia, and many other illnesses can attack you if your body clock is impacted and you lack a robust fitness approach.

What to Do?
Here’s what you can do to tune your body clock again and become physically fit, emotionally stable, and mentally healthy.
Understand Neuroscience
First and foremost, you need to understand the science behind neuroscience. You have to identify the factors that can help you optimize your brain and activate the process of neuroplasticity. Some of the ways you can improve neuroplasticity include:
Challenge the Mind
Try learning a language, a skill, or indulge in a brain-challenging activity that you have never tried before. Put your body in situations where your brain is signaled that it needs to learn a new skill to cater to the body’s needs.
One Step at a Time
Instead of doing too many things at once, learn about focus attention. Put your brain at one task completely, eliminate distractions, and teach your brain the importance of focus. This will help your brain improve its internal coordination and work at a faster pace.
Repeat to Retain
As many as 12.7 million Americans are expected to suffer from Alzheimer’s at some stage in their lives. If you want to ensure that you continue using your cognitive abilities until the end of time, repeat your learnings and experiences. This will help you retain the memories, learnings, and experiences over a long period.

Having a workout routine has many mental and physical health benefits. By exercising, you are not only doing a favor to your body but also your mind. It’s said that exercise releases certain hormones that are needed for happiness, an improved sleep cycle, and a better attention span.
Nature and Nutrition
Alongside workout and sleep routine, nature and nutrition also play a role in optimizing brainpower. Benefit from nature’s offerings, take some downtime in a relaxing environment, and eat foods that are healthy for your brain. All these and some other mind-body strengthening tips can help you leverage neuroscience and gain control of your body.
Sleep Well
One of the most important things to do to gain control of your body clock is to sleep well. So next time you have the urge to stay up longer and watch a show, think of the long-term drawbacks on your physical and mental health.
Want to Know More About Neuroscience?
If you want to know more about neuroscience and neuroplasticity, get a copy of Jean Fallacara’s book Neuroscience Calisthenics: How to Hijack Your Body Clock. Alongside, enroll yourself in our fitness training programs like Cyborg training and biohacking fitness training. Contact to know more.